2 minutes read

Streamer Profile: caseoh_

In the dynamic world of online streaming, few stories are as compelling as that of the streamer caseoh_. His consistent growth throughout 2023 has skyrocketed the creator to the top of the charts in 2024, with incredible success.  This article explores caseoh_’s journey, his growth metrics, and why he’s an ideal partner for brands looking to connect with engaged gaming audiences.

Consistent Growth and Milestones

caseoh_’s 2023 journey began modestly, with 8K hours watched in the first week of 2023. However, just one year later, this skyrocketed to an incredible 1.5M hours – a staggering 16.8K% increase. His follower count also saw an impressive rise from 44K to 2M, marking a 4,.8K% growth.

During the week of January 15th to the 21st, caseoh_ became the 3rd most-watched creator by average viewers with 56K avg CCV, rising above the Spanish superstars Ibai and auronplay.

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